Sunday, December 11, 2016


Throughout my entire pregnancy, 'stable' was a word we longed to hear at every appointment. "Stable fluid levels, stable weights..." Here we are once again, on the other side of things, finding relief in that word. It's been 24 hours since Ivan's incident, and he is stable. Stable labs, stable vitals, stable x-ray images.

At this point, this is the best we could hope for and we praise God for His provision and faithfulness.  We have suffered a setback as far as Ivan's timeline to come home, but it appears the infection was caught early enough that they can get on top of the NEC.

He will continue to receive antibiotics for the next 10 days and it is our prayer that he will continue to have good IV access throughout that course. If not, we will discuss having a PICC line put in. The thought of all these pokes in our son's future makes our hearts hurt, but we know it is necessary for our sweet boy's recovery.

Ivan and I were able to have some skin-to-skin time today which is better for healing than any antibiotics, if you ask me :)

Recovery. Stable. Music to this mama's ears

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