Monday, January 30, 2017

can't catch a break (for real)

Oh, I already titled a post 'can't catch a break?' My bad. Must just be the story of our lives these days.

I should probably wait a few hours - or days - to write this because I'm feeling pretty emotional about the whole thing. But hey, I'm a mom of triplets who spends most of her day in the NICU, so I'm allowed to be emotional.

We get asked about Ivan's discharge on the regular. I wrote in a previous post about how this is one of the hardest questions to be asked as a NICU parent because everything is just so friggin UNKNOWN. Also, the NICU is a rollercoaster by definition and even when things ARE known, they don't always go according to plan.

So we don't talk about discharge. Until we did. Even the docs were talking about it. Excitement was building, and this mama's heart was filled with hope. We had treated the UTI and Ivan's intake was increasing every day. The PICC line and feeding tube came out, and he was almost to full feeds when BAM. Labs came back funky. Another infection. Oh, and let's throw in some odd findings on the ultrasound of his kidneys too. Oh, and weight loss the last two nights in a row.

I don't think I need to explain why I'm emotional.

So we are back on antibiotics while we wait for the million labs that we're drawn to come back and tell us exactly what kind of infection we're dealing with. Maybe just another UTI. Hopefully nothing having to do with his PICC removal. Nephrology will be getting on board to deal with the kidney mystery. And we've moved to "ad lib on demand" feeding, meaning Ivan can eat whenever he wants and have as much as he wants. So far he's loving that and eating like a champ.

Looking for someone bold enough to sneak a 6-pack up to the NICU. Asking for a friend...

1 comment:

  1. Julie, praying! When life puts you on a rollercoaster, put your hands up and say "God help!" That's all you can do. Much love to you all.
